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Msts West Coast Express Band

searufolca1972 2020. 2. 17. 03:38
  1. Msts West Coast Express Bands

I left a review of Flytampa Amsterdam back in April 2017 when I did not rate it highly as my system at that time kept crashing due to constant out of memory errors when using the PMDG 737NGX with this Amsterdam version. I thus removed it from my system and haven't used since.Howev-er, I am happy to now rate it the full 5. as I have since upgraded my machine (Intel Core i7-8700k and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti 8GB graphics card) which now handles this Amsterdam beautifully.


I also now use Prepar3d v.4 with the P3D 737 PMDG version and so far, no crash to desktop and stunning performance. This is a superb airport (as is the surrounding terrain also modelled brilliantly by Flytampa) and, once the P3D update is installed successfully, is a delight to use.

John's International Airport! What a fantastic idea! Have been dreaming about it ever since! And now it's very much real!Last year I was watching a cockpit DVD about Air Canada's transatlantic A319 flights and said to myself, oh it would be so cool to recreate the route. And you know what, FSlabs' A319 was just around the corner, UK2000's EGKK was released so two-third of the whole was already right there in front of me. But who would ever consider St.

John's, really?Man, Grand Island Sim actually did! After their debut masterpiece African scenery, Banjul (a must buy, make sure you check it out!), capital of The Gambia which was their first Simmarket product, the developer announced that St. John's is coming! I knew from that moment that it will blow my mind and should I say, the product is pure perfection! It looks like a new favorite developer emerged and from now on I am confident I will buy whatever GIS releases.First of all, the 3D models, be it buildings, vehicles or any other static or dynamic stuff, are simply awesome, easily matching the quality of any top-notch developers.

Msts West Coast Express Bands


The textures are superb, both day and night. We've got everything here, from SODE jetways to seasonal textures, of which I'd like to highlight the winter ones, they are phenomenal! Even the airport surroundings are pretty nicely done! I cannot find a single thing to complain about.Two products, two masterpieces from Grand Island Sim. A very, very bright future ahead for them and I am already looking forward to what is the next GIS project is going to be, safe to say it's gonna be another very exciting destination!-Hesitate no more, St. John's by Grand Island Sim is without any doubt a five-star product and an awesome destination especially if you like to fly IFR. If you are using real-world weather, Newfoundland will often trial your instrument flying skills, so be prepared.

The airport itself sees a not only domestic, intra-Canadian flights but a number of international ones too. You can escape the harsh winter to the Caribbean or hop over the pond to London in a narrow-body Airbus.I can only recommend this stunning work of art. Excellent job, way to go guys!

I have recently downloaded some repaint packs and they were bombardier rolling stock repaints for various commuter railroads around America and Canada. I love the repaints that were made even though they weren’t fully accurate, I still like to run them since they were the only ones for public download. I ran the rolling stock repaints on whatever route exists on Train Sim for them.