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Hughes And Kettner Tubeman Mk1 Manual

searufolca1972 2020. 2. 13. 16:48

When the first TriAmp ® debuted in 1995, it wasn’t long until it garnered a reputation as the Holy Grail of amplifiers. And with good reason, for it was the first time that a design featuring three totally independent, dual channel, all-tubeamplifiers was shoehorned into a single device. Tube tone purists were ecstatic. Its state-of-the-arthandling and switching logic – optionally controllable via MIDI - enabled direct access to six of the most soughtafter tonal flavors. And that put at players’ fingertips a sonic spectrum with a breadth unrivalled by any all-tubeamp. The TriAmp ® MK II was truly a milestone in amp history.Then the engineers at Hughes & Kettner ® decided to play matchmaker, marrying the qualities of this milestone to the latest innovations in tube amp technology.

They named the progeny of this unionTriAmp ® MK II. The findings of modern research flowed into the revamped six fundamental sounds. By the same token, the power amp circuit was redesigned from the bottom up, resulting in an even bigger, even more open sound.Next to a variable effects loop (serial/parallel), the TriAmp ® MK II was endowed with a Half Power switch.

Now you can halve its output power from 100 watts to 50 watts whenever the mood strikes. This lowers the power amp saturation threshold. The flagship of the Hughes & Kettner ® Tube Custom Series, the TriAmp ® MK II is exclusively handcrafted, bar a few exceptions.Every device is put through the paces of numerous load and safety trials before it is subjected to ultimate test – the ears of experienced guitarists, the most sensitive gauge of them all.When you chose the TriAmp ® MK II, you opted for a top-drawertool built by pros for pros. Courtesy of its versatility, professional-qualityfeatures, impeccable workmanship, and, above all, stunning sound quality, it truly merits the moniker “state of the art”, setting standards for generations of tube amps to come.HERE’S WISHING YOU LOTS OF FUN AND JOY WITH THE TONE OF YOUR TRIAMP ® MK II!




DO NOT OPEN CASE; NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.BEFORE POWERING UP. Check that the local current and the amp's AC power rating are identical before you plug theTriAmp ® MK II's mains cord into an AC outlet. Ensure that air can circulate freely around your amp's ventilation ducts. Place the amp on a stable platform where itis not exposed to mechanicall shocks and temperature extremes which may damage the amp or endanger the safety of bystanders.

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Hughes & Kettner ® is not liable for any damage to the amp due to improper use. Three totally different amps in a single housing? Until the mid-‘90s,this was thought to be an impossible dream.The Hughes & Kettner team was undeterred: Years of intense development efforts and research culminated in the TriAmp ®, and this magical combination debuted in 1995.

Hughes And Kettner Rotosphere

To make the dream reality, we developed an unprecedented switching technology that delivers totally independent fundamental sounds of the highest quality. Each of the three preamps is dual-channelin design so a total of six sounds are available at the touch of a button.4. How does TriAmp ® MK II produce such fundamentally different sounds with just one power amp and a common master section?TriAmp's tonal potential lies primarily in its puristic tube design. Highly advanced new switching technology developed by Hughes & Kettner for this amp reconfigures the multiple tube stages with each new sound you select. This new design pulls every drop of tone out of the all-tubecircuitry, lending TriAmp ® MK II incredible tonal flexibility without any reliance on solid-statecompromises.

The power amp design further supports TriAmp ® MK II's vast range of tones:In each channel, the Presence attenuation factor is switched automatically via a special capacitor. This lends each channel its trademark power amp characteristics and explains why they are so easily adjusted using just one Presence knob in the MASTER section. CHANNEL B cranks out British-approvedclass A tone with the trademark shimmering top end and extremely subtle harmonic distortion courtesy of EL84 power amp tubes. Even at lower GAIN settings you get pronounced overtones in the high mids. Pushing the AMP 1 TIGHT button cuts mushy bottom end frequencies hard. These indistinct bass frequencies commonly rear their ugly little heads when clean sounds are dialed in.

By their very design, combos’ housings tend to suppress these frequencies. Chances are that you will run the TriAmp ® MK II into a 4x 12' cabinet.If you want to simulate the response of a combo, activate this frequency “correction” button.The AMP 1 MASTER knob affects Channel B only. Channel A, on the other hand, operates much like vintage amps that were not equipped with master knobs. Twist the GAIN A knob to control the volume and saturation level of Channel A. CHANNEL A is based on the Hughes & Kettner ® Duotone’s Overdrive channel. Brutally honest and direct, its hair-triggerresponse reacts instantly to even subtle changes in your picking attack and the slightest twist of your guitar’s volume knob. Though this lead channel was built for the veteran axe slinger who believes great tone is well worth fighting for, it’s also the bee’s kneesfor pounding out big & beefy power chords.

110% rock ‘n’ roll indeed!CHANNEL B pumps out high-gain American-stylesound of the more merciless variety. New Metal merchants and Drop-Dacolytes will swoon at the sound of this channel’s hot, huge and downright nasty distortion, while well-roundedplayers will appreciate the extra hues in their lead tone palette. 2.1 MAINS CONNECTION AND MAINS INPUT VOLTAGE SETTINGTriAmp ® MK II ships in two versions rated for 110/120V and 220-240V,respectively. The rating stamped on the mains socket (figure) indicates the version type. Both models offer two operating voltages that are selected using the voltage selector integrated in the mains socket. Before connecting TriAmp ® MK II to the mains power supply, ensure that the mains voltage matches the voltage ratingappearing in the voltage selector window. This value is legible when the amp is in the standard operating position, that is, placed right side up.

The upright number indicates the currently selected voltage, and the inverted number indicates thealternative voltage.Check also the fuse ratings to ensurethey match the ratings indicated on the rear panel. NOTE:Voltage selection and fuse replacement may be performed by experienced service technicians only. Accordingly, the following notes are addressed exclusively to service technicians!. Use a small flat screwdriver to remove the voltage selector from the mains socket. If the fuse is defective, replace it with a fuse bearing the specified rating. Turn the voltage selector and insert it back into the port so that the desired mains voltage rating is legible and appears at the top left (next to the 'Voltage Setting' arrow).

INPUT: Input jack for guitars.PREAMP SECTION:The three preamps’ controls are largely comparable. The functions of their knobs are explained in the following using AMP 1 as an example.CHANNEL BUTTON: Push these to select the desired fundamental sound (channel A or B) directly.

The buttons also serve as indicator LEDs, illuminating to call attention to the active channel.GAIN A, GAIN B: Twist these to dial in the desired amount of distortion for channels A and B.EQ SECTION: Common BASS, MID and TREBLE pots for CHANNEL A and CHANNEL B.TIGHT: Cuts muddy low end frequencies that may occur when clean sounds are rendered bya 4x 12' cabinet. This frequency “correction” feature lets theTriAmp ® MK II respond like a combo.MASTER: Turn this knob to dial in the desired level for AMP 1B relative to the two other preamps’ levels.The AMP 1 MASTER knob affects Channel B only. Channel A, on the other hand, operates much like vintage amps that were not equipped with master knobs.

Twist the GAIN A knob to control the volume and saturation level of Channel A. MASTER SECTIONFX ON SWITCH: Turns TriAmp ® MK II's FX LOOP on or off. If you want to switch the FX LOOP on and off via the Stageboard or MIDI, set this switch to the 'off' position.LEARN: Installation of the MSM-1MIDI Module is a prerequisite for MIDI capability. With the module installed, a press on the MIDI LEARN button will save the current CHANNEL/FX LOOP combination.MASTER: Determines overall TriAmp ® MK II output.PRESENCE: Determines presence levels for all three amps. The PRESENCE circuit is automatically reconfigured with each change of channel to respond optimally for each basic sound. In each channel, turn the PRESENCE control all the way up and back down again to hear how it affects each channel differently.STANDBY: Mutes the amp during breaks.The voltage to the power amp tubes is reduced but not turned completely off to extend tube life; when you turn the amp back to full power, they are still warm and don't need to be reheated from a cold start.MAINS: Power ON/OFF switch. TRIAMP MK II - MANUALREARMAINS IN: Socket for the included Euromains power cable.

Before plugging into the wall socket, make certain the amp's voltage rating as displayed in the VOLTAGE SELECTOR window matches your local AC voltage rating.VOLTAGE SELECTOR: If you need to changeTriAmp ® MK II's voltage to your local AC voltage rating, pull out this cartridge and see Section 2.1 for further details.ANODE FUSE: Fuse holder for the power amp's anode fuses. Be sure you only use fuses rated to the indicated specifications.HALF POWER: This power soak switch cuts theTriAmp ® MK II’s output power in half from 100 watts to 50 watts.PREAMP OUT, POWER AMP IN: The TriAmp ® MK II sports an ancillary serial FX loop that lets you control master volume via a volume pedal.The preamp signal is patched out via PREAMP OUT jack and in again via POWER AMP In.STAGEBOARD: Input jack for TriAmp ® MK IISTAGEBOARD. The length of the cord can be extended using standard computer cables (equipped with 9-pin SUB-Dconnector). FX LOOPFX SERIAL/PARALLEL: An innovative new feature of the TriAmp ® MK II, it lets you select the desiredtype of effects loop, parallel or serial, at the touch of a button. The FX loop setting may be stored and switched via MIDI using the optionalMSM-1MIDI module.LEVEL: Determines the relative levels of theTriAmp ® MK II’s preamp signal and the signal routed into the FX RETURN jack as sent from a connected effects device and the like.

In other words, use it to set the desired wet/dry mix.FX SEND: Connect this jack to your effects processor's input jack.FX SEND LEVEL: This damping switch allows you to adapt the signal level to lower-leveleffects devices. Press this switch in for instrument level processors (e.g. Stomp boxes).FX RETURN: Connect this jack to your effects processor's output jack.RED BOX ® DI OUT: This is a balanced output featuring the RED BOX ® Cabinet Simulator.It enables you to feed the TriAmp ® MK II signal directly to a mixing console for stage and recording purposes. Refer to Section 4.3 for details.SPEAKER: The TriAmp ® MK II features 4-,8- and 16-ohmspeaker outs for perfect impedance matching. Its minimum impedance is 4 ohms.NOTE:Never operate the TriAmp ® MK II without a loudspeaker connected! 4.1 CHANNEL SELECTIONThe TriAmp ® MK II’s six fundamental sounds may be accessed via the channel selector buttons on the front panel or the TriAmp ® MK II Stageboard are called up.You can also execute switching functions via MIDI using the MSM 1 MIDI Module (refer to Section 4.4). If you want to use an external MIDI switcher, you will need to make an adapter cable that accesses the Stageboard jack, wiring it according to the pin assignments shown in Diagram below.

Channel selection is executed via momentary contact; FX LOOP activation is executed by switching, namely by applying pin 8 to pin 5 (ground).Stageboard jack pin assignments:Ground/MasseAmp 2BAmp 3AAmp 2AAmp 3BAmp 1BFX-LOOPAmp 1A+ 22 V Output. 4.2 TRIAMP ® MK II AND SIGNAL PROCESSORSThe TriAmp ® MK II is equipped with a variable effects loop (serial/parallel).

In parallel mode, the effect signal is added to the original preamp signal so that you can dial in a setting where the dry signal remains audible during the brief delays that multieffector switching is prone to cause.This face-savingfeature prevents glaringly evident and potentially embarrassing sonic drop-outthe LEVEL knob controls the mix. The passive nature of the mix guarantees that the original signal isnot sent through any solid-statecircuitry. When the FX LOOP is deactivated, the buffer stage for the effects side is switched off via a relay, thereby ensuring that the FX LOOP never compromisesthe amp's sound quality.NOTE:As a rule of thumb, the best method for using signal processors is to set the output of the processor itself to maximum effect (balance = 100%), and then mix the processed signal with the original signal via the LEVEL control to avoid the sound degradation an effects device might otherwise introduce. Switch the FX LOOP button on the front panel to OFF if you want to switch the FX LOOP via the Stageboard or MIDI commands. Connecting signal processors:. Connect the device's INPUT to the FX LOOP SEND jack and its OUTPUT to the RETURN jack.

Activate the FX LOOP via the FX ON button on the front panel or the Stageboard. Adapt the FX loop level to the signal processor's level, if necessary.

Press the FX SEND LEVEL button for effects devices like stomp boxes that are designed for guitar signals. If the buttonis not depressed, the signal level remains at standard line level, appropriate for most rack-mounted multi-effectsprocessors.

In parallel mode, use the LEVEL knob to set the volume of the effect signal.NOTE:Some signal processors introduce phase cancellations that are detrimental to the overall sound. In this case, set the effects loop to FX SERIAL.The effects loop now operates like a conventional serial loop – in other words, you'll have to adjust the balance of levels between the original and processed signal at the processor.TIP: If you choose not to connect a signal processor or effects device to the FX loop, you may connect another instrument or audio source. When you use the RETURN circuit as a second input channel in this way, the FX-MIXknob becomes a balance control to determinehe relative volumes of the guitar signal and the other sound source. 4.3 THE RED BOX ® DI OUT - ALL-TUBETONE TO THE MIXERThe balanced RED BOX ® DI OUT allows you to connect TriAmp ® MK II's output signal directly to a mixing console, for the smooth, rich sound ofa miked-upcabinet without the hassles of actually using a microphone. The integrated RED BOX ® circuitry is in-linewith the speaker output for optimum audio results, allowing the characterof the connected speaker to come through to as great a degree as possible.WARNING:Never run the amp without a load (a connected speaker cabinet), even in a recording situation. Doing so risks serious damage to the amp's all-tubeoutput stage.NOTE:Speakers, in combination with a tube amp's output transformer, may demonstrate microphonic properties.

If your amp's master setting is extremely low and the PA is very loud, you may encounter feedback through the DI OUT circuit.This effect does not occur at normal stage volumes. However, we do recommend you use the STANDBY switch rather than turning the MASTER down to silence your amp during breaks. If this feedback problem does occur at some point, simply turn the amp's master volume up.The speaker then loses the microphonic properties and the feedback will stop. 4.4 TRIAMP ® MK II AND MIDIWith the MSM-1MIDI Module installed, you can use your multieffects processor to select TriAmp ® MK II channels and turn the FX LOOP on or off via MIDI.Installing the MSM-1MIDI ModuleMIDI INMIDIMIDI THRURECEIVECHANNELONOFF1 2 3 4 OMNICHANNELS 5-16:SEE MANUALNOTE (VERY IMPORTANT):The following instructions are intended solely for a factory authorized technician. Unplug the amp's mains cord from the wall socket and remove all connected cables (e.g. To the spring reverb or speakers).

Hughes And Kettner Tubeman Review

Remove the amp's rear panel cover so you can access the tubes. Prepare a suitable spot to set the amp chassis (for instance two books placed the same distance apart as the two transformers),or remove the power amp tubes. Remove the four retaining screws that hold the chassis in place, and carefully pull the amp chassis out of the wood housing. Remove the MIDI Module port cover plate from the rear panel of the chassis.

Insert the included flat cable connector plug in the MSM-1'ssocket so that the color-codedwire faces the notch on the socket. MSM-1socket and indicator notch. Insert the MSM-1into the module port, and affix it in place using the same four screws you just removed a moment ago. Make sure the writing on the MSM-1reads in the same direction as that on the rest of the chassis back.Location of the sockets.MSM-1FXOUTPUT. On the control circuit board you will find the socket for the connector on the other end of the ribbon cable. Also insert this connector in the socket so that the color-codedwire faces the notch on the socket.

Double-checkthat the module and the connectors are seated correctly. Replace the chassis in the housing and, if you removed the tubes, the tubes in the chassis. Replace the amp's rear panel, and reconnect the cables to the reverb and speakers. To use the MIDI LEARN function with theTriAmp ® MK II, please refer to the instructions included with the MSM-1MIDI Module.The moment power is applied to the amp, the MIDI functions of the TriAmp ® MK II are immediately available. Please check all switching functions of the amp. The TriAmp ® MK II ships with EL34 and 12AX7 tubes.

Once they’ve been burned in (initial continuous operation under a load), these undergo an indepth selection process where their electrical values and mechanical status (microphonics)are checked. Beyond that, they’re installed in a finished amp and their sound is auditioned in a listening benchtest.One of the most important steps is power tube matching, a process whereby tubes with the same characteristics are selected and combined to make matched sets.When is it a good ideato replace tubes?The tubes in the TriAmp ® MK II are exemplary in terms of quality, workmanship and long service life. If you nevertheless come across a problem, please be sure to run down the following checklist before you swap out your old tubes for new ones: Was the fault or failure of the power tube caused by the tube itself or a flawed peripheral device or component, perhaps a defective speaker cable? (If you don’t get to the bottom of the problem and remedy it, it may crop up again even after you replace the tubes.)Did the mains voltage fluctuate or spike while the amp was on?

In all-tubeamps, over-voltagesurges in the mains net can certainly blow fuses or even the amps. Over-voltagesare often caused by generators or improperly installed high-currentpower circuits.Did a fuse blow even though none of the tubes is actually defective? An old fuse, tube de-ionizationor mains voltage power surges could conceivably have caused it to blow. In this case, replacing tubes of course is a waste of money and time. Tubes definitely show signs of wear when their service life is coming to an end, such as increased microphonics, noise, muddier tone through loss of high-endfrequencies, degraded performance, etc. You should take these indications seriously and replace old tubes because not only do these side effects take their toll on sound quality, they also indicate the affected tube is about to fail.NOTE:Although it may be tempting to find out what an amp sounds like with different tubes,we urgently recommend that you refrain from replacing tubes for experimentation purposes. Handled improperly, this will damage the amp and lead to incredibly steep repair costs.What should you keep in mindwhen you’re replacing tubes?The golden rule: Replacing tubes is a job best left to qualified professionals.Accordingly, these guidelines are addressed to reputable technicians who earn their living with a screwdriver:Pull the mains plug of the TriAmp ® MK II and allow for a discharge time of at least two minutes before removing the sheet metal panel on the rear of the amp.

Once the panel is off, you can cautiously ease the tubes out of their sockets.A single power tube may only be replaced if the replacement tube is precisely matched to the original, in other words, it has the same characteristics.As a rule, if you are replacing power tubes, use matched sets only.If you’re installing a new set of power tubes with characteristics identical to the old set, it is not absolutely necessary to re-biasthe amp. If, on the other hand, you install a new set with characteristics that deviate from the old set, you definitely should re-biasthe amp.Again, biasing an amp is not a DIY task. It takes experience and a extensive working knowledge in measuring techniques, which is why this job should be carried out exclusively by qualified technicians with tube amp tuning experience. A hum adjustment must be made every time tubes are replaced. Activate AMP 2, CHANNEL B and AMP 3, CHANNEL B and set the lowest noise levels via the trimmer. Select input tubes with minimal microphonic properties and lowest noise levels by conducting a simple listening test.

As a rule, the amp will not absolutely need to be re-biasedwith each new set of tubes, assuming you use a matched set. Biasing is complex procedure requiring special tools and should only be done by a qualified amp specialist.How can you extend the service lifeof tubes?Never operate the TriAmp ® MK II without connecting a load (loudspeaker)!


With this in mind,you should always use high-quality, heavy-dutyspeaker cables that won’t crimp or snap.Use the STAND BY switch! Warming tubes up unnecessarily wears them out that much quicker. Make a habit of shutting down the anode voltage via the Standby function and you’ll enjoy many more hours of operation.Avoid exposing the amp to vibrations, especially when it’s powered up. Switch the amp off a good while before moving the amp so that the tubes can cool off completely first.Proper biasing and trimming extend service life. Whenever you feel that tube wear is on the rise, be sure to have a technician check the amp’s bias and trim settings.

Hughes and kettner tubeman mk1 manual 1

All other TriAmp ® MK II components do not require maintenance. Use a soft slightly damp cloth for all exterior parts. Avoid exposure to mechanical shocks, extreme heat, dust and moisture. Ensure the cooling vents at the top of the housing are not obstructed during operation.Here are a few more basic rules that will extend the service life of your amp enormously if you follow them:. Make sure all peripheral devices and connecting cables are in a state of good repair! – Ensure plenty of air can circulate aroundthe amp’s ventilation slots at all times – yourTriAmp ® MK II’s life depends on it.

Definitely avoid exposure to mechanical shocks and extreme heat, dust and particularly moisture. Be very careful about the kind of peripheral devices you connect to your amp and always check out their specs before you plug them in.

Never connect speaker cabinets with an impedance (ohm) rating lower than theTriAmp ® MK II is designed to handle. Under no circumstances should you connect devices with high output signal levels (e.g. Power amps) to your amp’s input. Be sure the AC power source delivers the current that your amp is designed to handle before you plug it in.

When in doubt about the local rating, ask the venue’s sound technician or a stage hand. Refrain from DIY repairs! To be on the safe side, you should also have a qualified technician replace internal fuses. 6.0 TROUBLESHOOTINGTriAmp ® MK II is not gettingany power:. Check the mains cable to see if it is connected properly.

The mains fuse is defective. Replace the fuse with another identical fuse.TriAmp ® MK II is connected properly,but no sound is audible:. The amp is set to STANDBY.

One or several GAIN and MASTER controls are turned all the way down. Dial in a higher setting. The anode fuse is blown. Before you replace the fuse, examine whether the power amp tubes are defective. The fuse for the tube heater blew (the tubes don’t glow). Make absolutely certain to check the rating when replacing this fuse. It is a superslo blo TT 15 A fuse.

This type of fuse is relatively uncommon and may be hard to find in your area. That’s why your TriAmp ® MK II shipped with a replacement fuse. Be sure to have a service technician replace the fuse. The sound is thin and muddy when the effects processor is active:. The effect device routes back a dry signal that is added to the original dry signal in the parallel effects loop.

Depending on the type of employed effect device, the phase position of the dry return signal can lead to cancellations when the return and original signals are mixed. To fix this problem, switch the effects loop to SERIALor turn the dry signal all the way down on the effect device.When in use with a loud PA,the RED BOX ® DI OUT circuit is causing feedback even though the amp is set to a low MASTER volume:. Speakers connected to a tube amp may have microphonic properties. Turn TriAmp ® MK II’s Master VOLUME up and the circuit will stop feeding back. In extreme cases of microphonic speakers, you would either turn the PA down or mic the cabinet. This is to certify thatHUGHES & KETTNER TRIAMP MK IIcomplies with the provisions of the Directive of the Council of the European Communities on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive 89/336/EEC) and the low voltage Directive (73/23/EEC).

This declaration of conformity of the European Communities is the result of an examination carried out by the Quality Assurance Department of STAMER GmbH in accordance with European Standards EN 50081-1,EN 50082-1andEN 60065 for low voltage, as laid down in Article 10 of the EMC Directive.Stamer Musikanlagen GmbH.Magdeburger Str. 866606 St.WendelLothar Stamer Dipl.Ing.Managing DirectorSt.Wendel,. Stamer Musikanlagen manufactures exclusively for Hughes & Kettner. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSBEFORE CONNECTING, READ INSTRUCTIONS. Read all of these instructions!. Save these instructions for later use!. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product!.

Do not use this product near water, i.e. Bathtub, sink, swimming pool, wet basement, etc.

Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand or table. The product may fall, causing serious damage to the product or to persons!. Slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or bottom are provided for ventilation; to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. This product should not be placed in a built-ininstallation unless proper ventilation is provided. This product should not be placed near a source of heat such as a stove, radiator, or another heat producing amplifier. Use only the supplied power supply or power cord.

If you are not sure of the type of power available, consult your dealer or local power company. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this product where persons will walk on the cord. Never break off the ground pin on the power supply cord.

Hughes And Kettner Tubeman Mk1 Manual Online

Power supply cords should always be handled carefully. Periodically check cords for cuts or sign of stress, especially at the plug and the point where the cord exits the unit.

The power supply cord should be unplugged when the unit is to be unused for long periods of time. If this product is to be mounted in an equipment rack, rear support should be provided. This product should be used only with a cart or stand that is recommended by Hughes & Kettner. Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.

Do not attempt to service this product yourself, as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Clean only with dry cloth. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-typeplug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are -providedfor the safety.

IMPORTANT ADVICE ON SAFETY!PLEASE READ BEFORE USE AND KEEP FOR LATER USE!. The unit has been built by Hughes & Kettner in accordance with IEC 60065 and left the factory in safe working order. To maintain this condition and ensure non-riskoperation, the user must follow the advice and warning comments found in the operating instructions.