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2020. 2. 7. 11:01카테고리 없음

Well, When I picked C# and started learning Web development using ASP.NET, everything was clicking together in my mind and make sense. Even Java was understandable and I thought everything is going to smooth sailing but boy I was wrong. Android itself is mess and I feel it's fighting me in every turn, Whenever I want to implement feature I found there several different ways in web but each and every one of them comes with it own bugs, to make things worse you find many developers advice is not to do it 'The google way' because their bug in the API and use depreciated one instead. Not to mention rotating the device will fuck up your shit specially if you were using AsyncTask. I still a beginner in Android development but I feel that system is fighting me in every turn either that or I'm just stupid, will everything gets easier the more time I invest in android? Development in general is a mess, though Android definitely has a lot going on. The problem here is you picked a platform that has been around for years (and in many ways is being phased out ASP.Net - MVC.net) which itself was built on an established platform (ASP) to compare to a relatively new platform (though it was built in someways on existing platforms as well).

Generally it's just growing pains that you are seeing. But look at other modern platforms and you'll see a lot of the same. Web development you have tons of options and different browsers that may or may not support what you are wanting to do or they do support it just in a completely different way than everyone else. Then there's JS frameworks and so on. Even in.Net you have lots of different ways of accomplishing the same thing, data access? ADO.Net, Linq to SQL, Entity Framework, Entity Framework Code First!

I understand the frustrations you feel, but that is a big part of being a developer. You have to commit to constantly figuring out new/better ways of doing the same thing and accept that code you wrote a year ago will look like shit when you read it again trying to fix a bug that has somehow gone unnoticed all this time. The worst for me is dealing with new systems.figuring out which magic checkbox I have to check to make the damn thing do what it's supposed to do!!! I came here to say this. Please realize that the Android Phone was made in 2008. If you're graduating highschool this year, then Android smart phones didn't exist when you were entering Jr High. They didn't even become widely popular until you were a freshman in highschool.

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They've undergone 12 major OS updates in that time, and endured a lot of changes in terms of security and hardware features, so it's no surprise that there has been some tumultuous change to it's API and pipeline, but. At the same time, it's not really earth shaking. A developer shouldn't have too much trouble adapting to the new updates. I don't agree.

Android is a mess to develop in because their api is a bit of a mess. Initially Android was focused on making Java perform on lowend hardware.

The original G1 was really lowend compared to other devices of that time, but compared to now it's absurd. The choices made back then do not make sense now. The use of ints instead of enums, minimal object creation by stuffing multiple states into a single object, all to gain a bit of performance.

In general you (and the Android api devs) had to jump through hoops to make Java perform well. On top of that, like you said, Android has gone through a lot of overhauls/upgrades in terms of gui. With each upgrade, things needed to change to adhere to new ux, but the api needed to stay compatible to allow existing apps to still run on the new platform. It creates a mess of whole deprecated paradigms (with their own classes, functions, etc).

This is also very confusing for beginners, because tutorials and manuals are now wrong. Having platform upgrades often doesn't help at all. ASP.NET didn't change paradigms every year. It only had a few in the 13 years it has been around. It seems with Android that every 2 years a paradigm shift is happening. With each shift people need to change the way their guis work, but also stay compatible with older APIs.

The support libraries are often lacking in this regard. You need third party libraries to stay compatible with older Android versions.

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That seems ludicrous to me. The community has to figure out how to stay compatible with the choices Google makes. Lastly many of the tools that the Java has built cannot be used for Android. The build system they initially used (ant) was not at all in par with the currently accepted systems. Other systems couldn't be used because Android does a lot of things very differently compared to standard Java programs.

Also tools like unit testing and code analyzers were hard to use. I'm very glad Google is improving in this regard by making sure tools are made compatible with Android, but that only goes for tools that have Google's blessing.

Without such blessings the community needs to add support themselves. This made it hard to do (usually) trivial things like unit testing and analyzing your program. This all added up makes the whole experience very complex and confusing. I think things will get better, but we probably need to handle the compatibility mess and paradigm shifts for quite some time.

Correct, android development is a mess. The framework has some very strange potholes. Even the most simple features are sometimes mind-bendingly hard to customize. Take a simple event, for example: the soft keyboard showing or dismissing.

You'd think there would be a way to listen for when it appears, and perhaps get a reference to a focused EditText or View that the keyboard is targeting. These methods do not exist: onSoftKeyboardShown(View focus); onSoftKeyboardDismissed; If you have a UI with any input complexity at all (like payment) you can't perform any little conveniences that a simple keyboard callback would allow, like scrolling your viewport to show an error or a particular input field. I come across issues like this all the time.

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